Sunday 10 October 2010

OK, so now to put on some of the stuff I've been doing since starting the course. The course comprises of three practical sessions a week, and one theory. One of the sessions is developing drawing techniques, and below are some of the sketches that I've done during the classes - these ones are using charcoal - something I've not done before (and I didnt' fix them to start with so some have smudged a lot). The first two were 'drawing music' where we were played some music and had to draw it. This produced some wildly different responses from us students - some being a lot more comfortable with abstract than others - I was towards the not very comfortable end of the scale.

The first one is 'of' Latin Jazz, the second is Bach.

Hmm. Room for improvement there.

One of the other practical sessions was on materails and textures, and we were told to work on a subject that interested us, and think about the materials and methodology to present it - masically to do something we weren't used to doing. After much thought and a few false starts, I decided to use 'travel' as the subject, and to present it in the form of a postcard wall. With each 'postcard' literally having a different texture or representing a different aspect - ie not real postcards at all. We have five weeks to do this project and so far (two weeks in) I've done about 25 postcards. These include ones made up of beer labels, currency notes, camera film, model grass and so on....

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