Monday 27 June 2011

24th June

Spent the day wandering town dropping off more leaflets and postcards. Cards are now on sale at Home Ground, Moda, and both the Triennial and Creative Quarter Visitor Centres. Leaflets are in all these places as well as Johnny Cotter's gallery, and the Grand Hotel.

Had a long chat with Johnny Cotter about the Triennial, the Fringe events (he's organised a lot of work in Rendezvous St with his 'Inferential Grin' fringe), and teh fact that the local press seem to think he's anti-Triennial.

Been hearing a lot recently about the Folkestone Herald's pathetic anti-Roger De Haan stance, where they refuse to print anything positive about De Haan, the Creative Foundation, Triennial etc - basically most of the people that are putting money where their mouths are and trying to help Folkestone. All this seems to be doing is putting a number of people of buying the Herald. The Creative Foundation may not have managed everything perfectly in teh past, and I'm sure that it won't in the future, but anyone who's wandered around the Quarter in the last week can't help be impressed by the change over the last few years - or even weeks.

Saw a pic on Facebook of the fountain (sorry - 'interactive water feature') working at 5pm.... just in the nick of.

Didn't go to fireworks - but by all accounts they were spectacular.

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